Editing an SQL Database

The selected database settings should be already listed in this screen.

  1. You should now go through each setting, leaving it if correct or changing it to suit your requirements.
  2. You will then be able to test your configured SQL database.
  3. Click Build.
    The Data Link Properties screen will open with the Provider tab open at the front of your screen.
  4. Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server from the list of OLE DB Providers.
  5. Click Next.
    The Connection tab will come to the front of your screen. On the Connection Tab:
    1. From the drop-down list, select the server name on which the database is installed.
    2. At this point you will select the SQL Authentication code you have chosen for payroll.
    3. Select the Database on the Server and then select the database from the drop-down list.
    4. Click Test Connection.
      A message will appear informing you if the test was successful and you have connected the database.

    SQL databases should be already configured by your IT department on the server. If the test is unsuccessful or the database is not listed, please refer to your IT department for assistance.

  6. If the test was successful, click OK to save the settings.
  7. You will return to the Database Connections Wizard and the SQL Server Connection Details screen.
  8. Enter the Alias that will identify this database on the login screen.
  9. Click Next.
    You will receive a message informing you that the database has been successfully connected.

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